Nelson Luo




Hi, I'm Nelson Luo.I'm a 21 y/o multi-business founder & Muay Thai fighter from Sydney.Previously, I built NL English Academy to help young students score into their dream schools and mentor their growth trajectories.Currently, I'm an advisor for early-stage online education startups on systems, launch and growth.I'm also building:ScalingTutors, and accelerator and community helping private tutors start, grow and scale
• A program to help students ace scholarship applications & interviews
• Myself towards pro-level Muay Thai
I dropped out of a $86.4k University Co-Op Scholarship (1 of 6 chosen across AUS/NZ).To leave the corporate path and pursue my dreams in startups, education and youth ambition.


Age 14 - 15: Hustling• Flipped designer clothes & sneakers for 5-figure yearly profits (felt like a billionare)

Age 16: First Corporate Experience• Sent 100+ cold emails to companies asking for work
• Secured work experience at an international insurance firm (pricing & analytics)
• Secured work experience in finance/corporate advisory firm

Age 17: End of High School• Graduated in the top 1.8% of Australia at the 1st ranked high school
• Offered a UNSW Co-Op Scholarship
• Started private tutoring

Age 18: Exploring My Options• Created a role to grow the tutoring centre that I attended in high school
• Accepted a UNSW Co-Op Scholarship (full-time university)
• Launched 10+ businesses that all flopped (went into debt)

Age 19: The Grind• Full-time 9-5 interning at AMEX
• Full-time university student load (took night classes)
• Founded NL English Academy

Age 20: The Grind (Continued)• Head of Sales at a SaaS startup
• Full-time university student load
• Growing NL English Academy

Age 21: Trying To Make a Difference• Scaled NL English Academy across Australia & South East Asia
• Currently building ScalingTutors
• Multiple startup advisor
• Pursuing pro-level Muay Thai

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My Collection of Free Resources For Students.

Last Updated: 18/01/2025


NSW OC, Selective & High School English Resources →The Complete NL Study Guide To Dominate Your Exams →The Optimal Way to Prepare Before Exam Day (+Checklist) →• More to come!


• My Free BULLETPROOF Scholarship Application & Interview Guide [IN PROGRESS]


• My Free Actionable Roadmap: How to Start your $1,500+/wk Online Tutoring Side Hustle [IN PROGRESS]

Tutoring is The Lowest Hanging Golden Goose.

Last Updated: 18/01/2025


• My Free Actionable Roadmap: How to Start your $1,500+/wk Online Tutoring Side Hustle [IN PROGRESS]


• My Free STEP-BY-STEP Guide: 10x Your Student Inflow With $0 Spend [IN PROGRESS]Initial Consultation Application: If you're an online tutoring founder or established private tutor (min $100k ARR), scale with me to the next level. Click here to apply →

The Lessons, Learnings & Epistemics That I Meditate On.

Last Updated: 18/01/2025


In our youth, risk is safer than safety. Safety and comfort in the short term leads us to mundanity in the long term. Risk leads us into a life of adventure and pursuit. We must be the Marco Polo of our lives.We are only in our physical prime once in our lifetime. As we are humans, it is only right to find out what our bodies are capable of. You should approach your physical pursuits like a business owner. Optimise on all interrelated functions (strength, cardio, muscular endurance, body composition, flexibility & coordination).

Quotes I Meditate On

"Sometimes death only comes from a lack of energy. And a lack of energy comes from taking on less than we are capable of" —Napoleon"What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality" —Plutarch"You never know what will be the consequence of the misfortune; or, you never know what will be the consequence of good fortune" —Alan Watts"There are no accidents." —Master Oogway"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" —Walt Disney"The best way to predict the future is to create it" —Abraham Lincoln"The pain trying is not as painful as the regret of not trying at all" —Anonymous

My Chess Journey

I love chess. My father taught me when I was 3. It taught me strategic decision making how to think '5 moves ahead' (shoutout PBD).I used to compete at a younger age (top 20 in my age group in Australia at 12 y/o). Now, I just play live chess when I'm on the train. Occasionally, I compete in internationally rated blitz tournaments.My international FIDE rating (1600 blitz) →
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My Music Journey

I find more enjoyment creating music over listening to it. At a younger age, I played the piano before self-learning the ukulele and guitar.For a brief period, I was captivated by songwriting and music composition. I spent late nights writing pages of lyrics and mentally rehearsing the melodies in my head.Eventually, I produced one of my songs.Stream my song "dreaming of you" on Spotify →

My Daily Reminders
